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Paper Publications
Shi Hongcan,Single-Port Microthoracoscopic Sympathicotomy for the Treatment of Primary Palmar Hyperhidrosis:an Analysis of 56 Consecutive Cases.Indian J Surg,2015,77270-275.
Shi Hongcan,单孔法胸腔镜下交感神经链切断术治疗原发性手汗症35例报告.中国微创外科杂志,2012,12(1)50-52-50-52.
WDL,袁子毅,刘苏,郑家银,魏新龙,张超.Recent Development of Corrosion Factors and Coating Applications in Biomass Firing Plants.COATINGS,2020,10(10)
WDL,Dahl,KV,Grumsen,F,Christians,Montgomery,Hald,J.Breakdown mechanism of gamma-Al2O3 on Ni2Al3 coatings exposed in a biomass fired power plant.CORROSION SCIENCE,2020,170
WDL,刘苏,袁子毅,曹攀,魏新龙.Influence of water vapor on the chlorine-induced high-temperature corrosion behavior of nickel aluminide coatings.CORROSION SCIENCE,2021,190
WDL,刘苏,袁子毅,曹攀,魏新龙.Effect of Pre-oxidation on High-Temperature Chlorine-induced Corrosion Properties of Air Plasma-Sprayed Ni-5%Al Coatings.JOURNAL OF THERMAL SPRAY TECHNOLOGY,2021,30(7)1927-1939.
WDL,Kristian V,Jesper L.,Thomas L.,Melanie Mo,John Hald.Effects of Different Fuel Specifications and Operation Conditions on the Performance of Coated and Uncoated Superheater Tubes in Two Different Biomass-Fired Boilers.ACS Applied Energy Materials,2018,2018(1)1463-1475.
WDL,Dahl,K.,Christians,Montgomery,Hald,J..Corrosion behaviour of Ni and nickel aluminide coatings exposed in a biomass fired power plant for two years.SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2019,362355-365.
WDL,Dahl,KV,Madsen,JL,Christians,Montgomery,Hald,J.Effects of Different Fuel Specifications and Operation Conditions on the Performance of Coated and Uncoated Superheater Tubes in Two Different Biomass-Fired Boilers.ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS,2018,1(4)1463-1475.
WDL,袁子毅,刘苏,郑家银,魏新龙.Recent Development of Corrosion Factors and Coating Applications in Biomass Firing Plants.COATINGS,2020,10(10)
WDL,Dahl,KV,Grumsen,F,Christians,Montgomery,Hald,J.Breakdown mechanism of gamma-Al2O3 on Ni2Al3 coatings exposed in a biomass fired power plant.CORROSION SCIENCE,2020,170
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